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Admitted into University of Washington at the Age of 15

Jessica Kuo

December 28, 2023

5 mins to read

Blog Overview

Welcome to my journey, a tale of early challenges, growth, and the relentless pursuit of passion in the world of technology, design, and entrepreneurship. This blog post shares my unique experience as a Taiwanese American student at SMIC International School in Shanghai, where my quest for a more creative and flexible learning environment led me to start college at the University of Washington before the usual age.

As I look back and ahead, I share the valuable lessons I've learned and my excitement for a future filled with opportunities for innovation and creation. Join me as I recount my experiences, the lessons learned, and my aspirations as I embark on a career that bridges computer science, design, and entrepreneurship.

My Early Leap Into College

1) My Upbringings & Values

As a Taiwanese American attending SMIC International School in Shanghai, I found a unique blend of cultural diversity and academic intensity. This school environment sparked my early interest in building and creating. While I loved the global perspectives and the challenging studies, I often felt limited by the school's rigid structure. It was clear to me that I needed a place where I could explore my interests in computer science, design, and entrepreneurship more freely.

The desire for a more flexible and creative learning environment led me to consider college earlier than usual. I wanted to step out of the predictable high school routine and dive into something that challenged me more, aligning with my passion for innovation and creation.

2) High School as Inspiration and Aspiration

High school was full of moments that shaped my creative journey. I loved the international setting, which broadened my worldview - crucial for any creator. The tough courses sharpened my thinking, especially in areas like computer science, biology, and international policies. Outside of classes, extracurricular activities were my first taste of entrepreneurship, letting me experiment with my ideas.

But, there were moments too, where I hoped for my academic freedom and exploration. The strict schedule left little room for my own projects. I found the daily routine too predictable and craved more exciting challenges. These experiences, both good and bad, fueled my decision to head to college early, seeking a space where I could further grow my creative and entrepreneurial skills.

3) The Path to University of Washington

Applying to the University of Washington was a major step. Through the Robinson Center's UW Academy program, I faced the challenges of SAT prep and the Common App process, including getting teacher recommendations. This phase made me think deeply about my goals and the impact I wanted to have in the world of design and technology.

It was a tough time, balancing school work with college applications. I learned a lot about managing my time and responsibilities, all while keeping my passion for innovation at the forefront. This experience was stressful but also incredibly rewarding, setting the stage for my future in technology and design.

I still recall the day I received my admissions letter from the University of Washington. The welcome letter felt so unreal to me at that moment— as so much hard work, dedication, and doubt had suddenly all been answered at that moment. Concurrent with the excitement though, I was also emotions of fear and uncertainty since a part of me wasn't ready to give up my high school life & friends.

4) Transitioning to University Life

Moving to the University of Washington was a big change. Starting college early, especially during COVID-19's remote learning phase, was tough. I had to get used to a new way of studying and find my community from a distance. But I managed to adapt, learning to be flexible - an essential skill for any creator.

Joining a business fraternity and the Taiwanese Student Association at UW helped me find my place. These groups not only gave me a sense of community but also expanded my perspective on creativity and entrepreneurship. Participating in DubHacks, UW's biggest hackathon, was also a highlight, combining my interests in technology and design in a practical, exciting way.

As I look back now, I'm so incredibly proud of 16-year-old Jessica for stepping outside of her comfort zone to build community and seek continuous growth. The highlights of my college career have with the amazing people from these communities, and these experience have the built a strong foundation for my journey of growth and exploration.

5) Lessons Learned and Looking Ahead

This journey from high school to college has taught me so much. I've learned the value of resilience, the importance of adapting to new situations, and the need to pursue what I'm passionate about. These experiences have prepared me for a career in design and technology, where I can use my skills in computer science, passion for entrepreneurship, and love for design to continuously build.

As I start my career, I'm excited to keep learning and growing. I want to use every opportunity to explore my passions and meet new people. This early start in college has set me on a path I'm eager to follow, always looking for new ways to push boundaries and combat complacency.

Of course, also to enjoy the moment and have fun ;)

Closing Thoughts

As I reflect on my journey from SMIC International School to the University of Washington, I realize it's been a path less traveled, marked by early challenges, rich experiences, and a continuous pursuit of my passions in technology, design, and entrepreneurship. To those standing at a similar crossroads, considering programs like the UW Academy or any other milestone that feels daunting due to its uncertainty, I offer these words of advice:

1. Embrace Uncertainty as an Opportunity: The fear of the unknown is natural, but it's also a fertile ground for growth and learning. Every step into the unfamiliar is a chance to discover new aspects of yourself and the world around you.

2. Stay True to Your Passions: Your interests and passions are your most authentic guides. Whether it's technology, design, or any other field, let your genuine curiosity lead the way. It's the best compass you'll have in navigating your decisions.

3. Seek Balance Amidst Challenges: The journey will be demanding, balancing academics with personal growth and extracurricular activities. Remember, resilience is key. Stay organized, prioritize your well-being, and don't shy away from seeking support when needed.

4. Value the Learning Over the Outcome: While goals are important, the learning you acquire along the way is invaluable. Each experience, success or setback, is a building block in your personal and professional development.

5. Cultivate a Community: Surround yourself with people who inspire and support you. Whether it's through student associations, clubs, or informal groups, a strong community can be your greatest source of encouragement and advice.

In closing, I encourage you to chase your dreams with an open heart and a curious mind. The road may be uncertain and sometimes challenging, but it's also filled with opportunities for immense growth and fulfillment. Trust in your abilities, take that leap of faith, and embrace the journey ahead with enthusiasm and confidence.