Geo-Spacial Analysis of Political Digital Media




A first end-to-end framework discovering causal backgrounds for politicians’ tweets and news outlets.

In the ShanghaiTech University's research Lab, I immersed myself in a Twitter project aimed at deciphering the complex relationship between politicians' tweets and news narratives. This project blended computational linguistics and political science— which was a profound learning journey, enriching my understanding of digital communication and user-centered design in the realm of political analytics.

My Role

UX Researcher

Data Visualization


ZiYue Li

Hang Hu

He Wang


Collaborative Research

Causal Inference

Information Science


Winter 2021

4 Months

keep scrolling to read the research paper


Translating complex, multi-layered political data into user-friendly visual narratives without losing analytical depth.


Political Media, Data Analysis


ShanghaiTech University

My role ✋

—I was responsible for researching/designing user interfaces and data visualization to seamlessly translate the team's analytics into compelling, user-friendly formats.

My role involved closely collaborating with a multidisciplinary team of computational linguists, data scientists, and political analysts.This required a deep understanding of user interaction patterns, an eye for aesthetic clarity, and a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the complex data being presented.


How can we bridge the gap between complex political data analysis and the everyday user's understanding?

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.

keep scrolling for my reflection

Potential Next Steps ☄️

Digital Media

• Expanding the search and research of other media apps.

• Understanding this phenomonom in other countries/regions

Take the research beyond

Visual Presenting

• The current research paper is only in english and requires high level of ML understanding.

• Exploring how to present the information in visuals.

Build an front-interface

Revisit the Paper

• This paper was published around 3 years ago during Trump in office.

• We can revisit this information and see the development over time.

Compare trends over time

Key Learnings ✨

Importance of Clear Data Visualization:

As a product designer, this project underscored the significance of translating complex data into intuitive and insightful visual narratives. Effective infographics can bridge the gap between intricate data analytics and user understanding, fostering informed decision-making and deeper engagement with the content.

—User-Centric Design in Analytics:

The project highlighted the pivotal role of user experience in the field of data-driven political analysis. Crafting interfaces and visualizations that cater to the user's needs and cognitive patterns ensures that sophisticated computational findings are not just accessible but also actionable, enhancing the overall impact of the research.

—Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

Engaging in this project demonstrated the power of interdisciplinary collaboration, merging UX design with computational linguistics and political science. This approach not only broadens the scope of design thinking but also enriches the product designer's toolkit, enabling the creation of more holistic and impactful solutions in complex domains like social media analytics and political discourse.

Shipping Systems-First, Responsive Components

visual design



Reusable Assets for GitHub Landing Pages.